Private home

Private home – Oise / France

For this 100 m2 flat in an old listed building dating from 1760, the requirement was for a complete renovation followed by a personalisation of the decoration with trompe l’oeil mosaic and paint elements and some ornamental motifs.  The renovation involved knocking down partitions to enlarge the space and give more light, moving and removing doors, removing false beams on the walls to reveal the original old stone wall, levelling the floor and installing parquet, and completely redoing the kitchen and bathrooms.

Artistic decoration work was also carried out, with mosaics in the kitchen, in front of the fireplace and in the 2 bathrooms, and trompe l’oeil paintings with ornamentation on the top of the fireplace and the main wall of the master bedroom.

The photos show the different stages before, during and after the work.

before work
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