
Your Project

I can help you with your interior design projects, with all or some of the following stages depending on your choice: 

  • An exploratory meeting to study the premises and understand your wishes
  • Presentation of several layout proposals based on mood boards
  • Proposals for materials and furniture boards
  • Make the project a reality with 3D plans or models
  • I’ll do some artistic work myself: murals, mosaics, etc.
  • Worksite supervision
  • Purchasing and installing decorations

The first meeting

Ideally on site. This allows us to get to know you and discuss your project in detail, to see what is feasible and what is not.

We also talk about your tastes, styles, colours, etc., your likes and dislikes.

This gives me a clearer picture of your project. If any work is required, I’ll get one or more contractors to do the costing and give you an overall estimate detailing any costs of the work, my decorating fees and the estimated decorating budget.

Mood boards or draughts

These are made up, room by room, of inspirational images or drawings that reflect your tastes as expressed in our discussions. There are many sources of inspiration: internet searches, decorating magazines, travel, trade fairs and generally any place I find interesting.

Furniture boards

Once we've validated the ambiances, we can move on to more specific choices of furniture and decorative accessories. In general, I submit two or three different choices, staying within the price range we've set together. My suggestions cover furniture, curtains and fabrics, carpets, fixtures and decorative objects.

3D views or scale model

This stage gives us a better idea of the project with an overall view and enables us to validate certain choices: wall colours, room layouts, etc.

Decorative work carried out by me

This is an optional stage, depending on your choice. Not only a decorator, but also an artist with a fine arts diploma, I can create wall frescoes, trompe l'oeil, mosaics, luminous silk paintings and furniture decorations that will personalise your space with a unique artistic touch.

Worksite supervision

This is an optional stage, depending on your choice. It allows to monitor the works carried out by the contractor on a day-to-day basis, prevent delays and check certain details that are sometimes overlooked, such as the choice and location of electrical sockets, the colour of joints, etc....

Buying and installing decorations

This is an optional stage, depending on your choice, and takes place once the renovation work has been completed. When the decorative choices have been agreed together, I take care of finalising the orders, taking delivery and installing the furniture and accessories.

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